Dear Members,

Notice is hereby given for the Annual General Meeting of the Sydney University Surgical Society which will be held on Tuesday 27th May at 6:00pm in Bosch Lecture Theatre 2, Bosch Building, the University of Sydney. The agenda will include:

Constitutional Amendments
All motions must be sent to the Society Secretary by 22nd May (Julian Smyth, In the interests of time, only motions with notice will be considered at the meeting.

The motions with notice are available here.

The current constitution is available here.


Nominations for positions will be taken from the floor only. Candidates must be nominated by a third party, have their nomination seconded by another third party, and accept their nomination. Positions include and will be voted on in the following order:

Executive positions

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

Committee positions

  1. Research and Communications Officer
  2. Skills Lab Coordinator
  3. Stage 1 Representative
  4. Stage 2 Representative
  5. 6 Clinical School Representatives: 1 for each of Concord, RPA, Nepean, Northern, SAN, and Westmead


Other items
Due to the constitutional voting and large number of elections not all council reports will be heard at the AGM.


Please RSVP on the Facebook event.


Yours sincerely,

Michael Seco