SUSS City2Surf for Interplast 2017
Each year SUSS medical students run City2Surf in scrubs to raise money for Interplast Australia and New Zealand. In the last few years SUSS has raised over $20,000. All medical students are encouraged to run with us in 2017.
Interplastprovidese free surgical treatment for patients with congenital or acquired medical conditions such as cleft lip and palate or burn scar contractures in the Asia Pacific region who would otherwise not be able to afford access to such services.
There will be casual weekend runs most weekends between now and the race – to meet the team and get in shape for the big day.
How to get involved
How to get involved
Register to run on the the SUSS team:
- Go to the C2S registration page at goo.gl/OblIOT and select ‘Adult Early Bird’ or ‘Adult’
- On the screen that appears, click ‘Join a Team’
- Search for ‘Sydney University Surgical Society’ and click ‘Join’
- Fill in your personal details.
- Choose whichever start group you prefer.
- On the next screen, do NOT check any of the charity boxes. In order to fundraise for Interplast you must join the SUSS C2S fundraising team (below)
- Follow the prompts to pay for your entry ticket and complete the race registration.
Register to fundraise for the SUSS fundraising team:
- Go to our team’s page at goo.gl/3qP39N and click “Join Team”
- Enter your details to register to fundraise. Make sure you have “Interplast Australia and New Zealand” down as your charity.
- Start fundraising!
Please also RSVP on the Facebook event.
Please contact Shay Harris our Community Officer if you have any questions